Was glaubt der, wer er ist?! Punktion: ?! Immer: ?! Aggression: Nicht töten, aber Schmerzen. Im CBD Geschäft. Ich frag: Bestes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis? Er sagt: Kommt drauf an für was. Falsch.…

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Why I choose to radicalize my relationship with distraction from pain

I'm distracting myself from pain and especially the uncanny thoughts that arise with it (in a capitalist and ableist world) all the time. This text is about why I choose to radicalize my relationship with distraction from pain because I believe strongly that engaging with these thoughts and feelings can bring me new perspectives, new (anti-abelist) practices and insights.

WeiterlesenWhy I choose to radicalize my relationship with distraction from pain